Einat Peled, PhD

Affiliation: Tel Aviv University

Einat Peled is a Full Professor and the Head of the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University. Her research focuses on gendered aspects of social work and, in particular, on aspects of violence against women and girls, prostitution, trafficking and paying for sex, and mothering and fathering. In particular, she studies the societal and professional responses to these social problems and the development and evaluation of systematic and evidence-based interventions in these domains. Past research projects include the conceptualization and evaluation of group intervention with children of abused women, shelters for runaway and homeless youth, parenting groups for abused women and abusive men and an intervention program for commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. She has published 5 books and over 70 articles and book chapters. She serves on the editorial boards of leading academic journals, including Qualitative Social Work, Social Service Review, Journal of Human Trafficking, and Society & Welfare. She has served (2010-2017) as the Chair of Ruach Nashit (Women’s Spirit) – an NGO pursuing economic independence for women victims of violence. She is the recipient of the Biannual Yossi Katan Award of Appreciation to a Social Work Researcher for Contribution to Social Work Practice and Collaborative Work with Social Work Services (2017, The Israeli Association for the Promotion of Social Work), and The Influential Scholar Award (2018, The Annual International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference). 

Research Interests:

  • Men who pay fo sex: Experiences, perceptions, identities, motivations, interventions

  • Attitudes toward prostitution, women in prostitution and men who pay for sex

  • Commercially sexually exploited youth: Experiences, perceptions, interventions

  • Gendered identity construction: motherhood, fatherhood, masculinity