Membership Perks

Our membership levels illustrate a continuum and journey of scholarship. GAHTS’ goal is to help you move through the levels of membership to be the next generation of leading scholars in the field of anti-trafficking research.


Senior Research Scholar & Research Scholar Membership Level:

Additional perks include:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee

  • Nominate and vote on Scholars to be on Executive Committee

  • Take part in quarterly video conference meetings with GAHTS members

  • Receive monthly emails with the latest information to build your research careers

  • Ability to be a part of one of our three Workgroups

  • Access to monthly global webinars

  • Access to list of relevant research-related job openings

  • Access to list of relevant research-related grant opportunities

  • Access to biannual newsletter

  • Access to list of relevant research publications

  • Access to list of relevant events and conferences

  • Access to list of relevant professional development opportunities

  • FREE online access to the Journal of Human Trafficking

As a Research Scholar member, your EXCLUSIVE perks include:

  • Conduct global presentation webinars

  • Have a published profile on GAHTS’ website

  • Highlighted publications on website and in newsletters

  • 20% off registration cost of the International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference

  • 20% off courses on the Emancipation Nation Network

  • Able to be a reviewer of the Journal of Human Trafficking

  • Provide mentorship to Developing Scholar members

  • Considered for the Influential Scholar Award at the International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference*

  • Able to be a reviewer of presentation submissions for the International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference*

*Perks for Senior Research Scholar Members only


Developing Scholar
Membership Level:

Additional perks include:

  • Ability to be a part of one of our three Workgroups

  • Access to monthly global webinars

  • Access to list of relevant research-related job openings

  • Access to list of relevant research-related grant opportunities

  • Access to biannual newsletter

  • Access to list of relevant research publications

  • Access to list of relevant events and conferences

  • Access to list of relevant professional development opportunities

  • FREE online access to the Journal of Human Trafficking

  • Have name listed on GAHTS’ website

As a Scholar in Training member, your EXCLUSIVE perks include:

  • Mentorship opportunities with Senior Research Scholars

  • Access to list of relevant academic programs

  • 10% off registration cost of the International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference

  • 10% off courses on the Emancipation Nation Network

  • Serve on the Executive Committee

  • Nominate and vote on Scholars to be on Executive Committee

  • Take part in quarterly video conference meetings with GAHTS members

  • Receive monthly emails with the latest information to build your research careers


Advocate Membership


  • Access to list of relevant professional development opportunities

  • FREE online access to the Journal of Human Trafficking

  • Have name listed on GAHTS’ website

  • Access to biannual newsletter

  • Access to list of relevant research publications

  • Access to list of relevant events and conferences


Our GAHTS’ Committee will review each application and accompanying materials and will email you within 5-10 business days.

*If you are in need of financial assistance to cover the costs of the annual membership fee, GAHTS offers a scholarship for interested members. Please email with any questions.