The Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force is a multi-disciplinary task force that brings law enforcement, social service, and legal service agencies together to address human trafficking.
Each year, the Task Force hosts a human trafficking conference to inform, educate and strengthen anti-trafficking efforts in Cook County and the Northern District of IL. The conference generally features two full days of presentations on innovative work from local and national experts on human trafficking. This year, the morning of Day 1 of the conference will provide an opportunity for stakeholders newly engaged in anti-trafficking efforts to deepen their understanding of the issue and learn best practices for identification and response to incorporate into their work. The Tenth Annual Cook County Human Trafficking Conference will take place on August 4, 5, and 6, 2020.
To broaden the diversity of presenters and presentations, The Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force requests proposals for sessions at the 2020 annual conference that align with the following theme:
A Decade of Collaboration and Care – Looking Back, Moving Forward.
The 2020 conference aims to: 1) explore what has worked well and examine areas to grow across sectors that strategically address the issue of human trafficking; 2) analyze new research to help quantify and qualify the nature and magnitude of human trafficking; 3) discuss promising prevention methods at systemic and community levels to address the root causes of human trafficking; 4) explore innovative local and national models that comprehensively respond to human trafficking using a multidisciplinary approach; and, 5) explore strategies by which the anti-trafficking movement can be more survivor-informed and prevent re-exploitation.