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Glenn Miles, PhD

Affiliation: Oxford Centre for Mission Studies; up! International

Glenn Miles is a Research Associate at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and a Senior Researcher with up! International. He is a child health nurse with around 30 years experience focused on child abuse and exploitation in SE Asia. He has pioneer led several INGOs and projects in Cambodia and has facilitated a series of research projects listening to survivors of sexual exploitation both prostituted men, women, boys, girls and transgender and also men sex buyers. He is the academic research advisor for the Chab Dai Butterfly ten year Longitudinal Research Project. He does independent research, advocacy, training and evaluation of programs. He teaches up to PhD level and does PhD supervision for Holistic Child Development students at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary and Ethiopia Theological Institute. He developed the toolkits (www.goodtouchbadtouchflipchart.org & www.asianyouthagainstporn.org) which have been used in ten countries in Asia and Africa.

Research Interests:

  • Sexual exploitation of boys, girls, street children, transgender, and LGBT youth

  • Children trafficked across borders

  • Longitudinal research

  • Addressing demand of sexual exploitation

  • Access of pornography to youth