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Prevention and Intervention: Combating Human Trafficking through Private and Public Sector Partnerships

Human Trafficking has been reported in all 50 states. Traffickers use the tactics of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the most vulnerable populations in our society for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sex. Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) recognized early on that we could not shut down every aspect of human trafficking, as it is a multifaceted crime that is both international and domestic. So, we thought, which sector could we train to assist law enforcement and help recover victims? Truck Drivers. They are the eyes and ears of our nation’s highways, and they intersect in places where traffickers often bring their victims. So, in 2009, TAT was created to educate, equip, empower, and mobilize the trucking industry, and now the bussing and energy industries, to combat domestic sex trafficking as part of their regular jobs.

Since the inception of TAT, over 1.3 million industry professionals have been trained on identifying and responding to human trafficking. Through building strong partnerships with both the private and public sector, we have been able to combat trafficking in an integrated approach. Specifically with the public sector, TAT has collaborated with government entities to provide a strategic plan in increasing human trafficking awareness. The collaboration between TAT and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is a perfect example of how a government entity can utilize resources from private organizations to build an anti-human trafficking initiative and campaign.

Session Objectives:
• Explore the crime of human trafficking through examining its scope in the United States and how it intersects with several industries on a daily basis.
• Understand how collaboration of resources by multiple entities can