Understanding the mental health impact of human trafficking


Authors: Stevens, Susan; Acker, Shekitta; Green, Kristina; Swales, Sheila; Fulmer, Holly; Fortinsky, Rachel & Nicholas, Patrice

Abstract: The purpose of this report was to review the mental health consequences related to human trafficking and the important role of health care providers, particularly advanced practice nurses, nurse practitioners (NPs), and psychiatric mental health NPs in identifying and responding to trafficking victims. The framework was based on a biopsychosocial model for assessment and a trauma-informed approach to care. An integrative review of the literature was conducted to offer a comprehensive overview of the mental health consequences. Deleterious mental health consequences are common in individuals who have experienced trafficking, and symptoms suffered by individuals were assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as additional guidelines specific to a trauma-informed approach. Mental health sequelae experienced by trafficking survivors must be understood using a comprehensive trauma-informed framework for assessment and treatment.

Keywords: human trafficking, mental health, DSM, healthcare