Health Care and Human Trafficking: Improving the Quality of Policies and Procedures in a United States Health System
Author: Gibbs, Holly; Williams, Anitra & Stoklosa, Hanni
Abstract: Health professionals must be prepared to assist patients who may be experiencing human trafficking. The Joint Commission, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Emergency Physicians, and other organizations have made statements on the importance of education and procedures in health care settings. This Brief Report describes a U.S.-based health system’s process in developing such a policy and procedure with supporting education, as well as three key learnings from the quality improvement process. After numerous iterations, this health system now has a system-wide policy and procedure on abuse, neglect, and violence, including human trafficking, with expanded supporting education. This initiative supports progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16, which is to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions.
Keywords: human trafficking, hospital policy, patient screening, pearr tool, case record