Same Harm but Different Penalties: Spatio-Temporal Pattern and Formation Mechanism of Non-Sale Child Trafficking in China


Author: Chen, Nuo; Li, Gang; Nie, Qifan & Wang, Juan

Abstract: Child abduction, distinct from human trafficking under Chinese law yet often conflated with it by the public, involves unique characteristics demanding precise legal and preventative approaches. This study aims to clarify the nature of child abduction and provide guidance for case detection, prevention, and control. Using textual analysis, mathematical statistics and spatial analysis, and combining rational choice theory and crime pattern theory we explore the spatial and temporal characteristics and decision-making mechanism of child abduction crime in China. The results of the study show that: (1) Male infants are more frequently abducted than females, while older girls are more commonly abducted than boys; (2) Offenders are predominantly low-educated males; (3) Motivations span six categories, including illegal adoption and forced marriage; and (4) Cases surged before peaking (2014–2016) and subsequently declining. Regarding mobility patterns, abductions primarily occur intra-city, with inter-provincial routes concentrated between Guizhou and Zhejiang and between Guangdong and Guangxi. Although child abduction is as severe as human trafficking, the penalties are comparatively light. This underscores the need for sentencing provisions that consider aggravating circumstances to better address the severity of the crime. Recommendations for policy and practice are provided.

Keywords: child abduction crime, China, formation mechanism, spatio-temporal pattern