EU Policymaking and Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts: Inferred Policy Preferences from a New Survey


Author: Nordquist, Sienna

Abstract: This paper presents the descriptive results and qualitative analysis of an innovative survey sent to ministries, national rapporteurs, GRETA officials, police officials, NGOs, and ombudsmen across the EU on their anti-trafficking policy preferences and opinions. In demonstrating the diverse array of occupational and regional predilections for different prostitution policies, European Commission and Anti-Trafficking Coordinator involvement in anti-trafficking efforts, and suggested policy area solutions and reforms, the study provides a first and powerful look into elite opinion formation on anti-trafficking public policy. This paper also provides an original academic assessment of national rapporteur functions and effectiveness in the EU based on the survey responses and attitudes. The cumulative inferences of the needs and desires of different European policymakers in future anti-trafficking policy and EU cooperation provide a blueprint for good governance in the design and implementation of policies and legal frameworks that seek to eradicate modern slavery.

Keywords: anti-trafficking policymaking, expert survey, the EU. prostitution models, national rapporteur, Anti-Trafficking Coordinator