“Don’t look down on us”: Assessing the vulnerabilities of female massage parlor workers in Phnom Penh 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Miles, Glenn; Geyer, Theresa; Ding, Rachel; Blasé, Olivia & Clark, Katie
“Boys Are Like Gold”: The Gendered Differences in Sexual Violence Against Street-Involved Children in Southwest Cambodia 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Davis, Jarrett; Miles, Glenn; Eno, Maggie & Rowland, Andrew
Barriers to Sexually Exploited Cambodian Women Integrating into Churches: Perspectives of Sexually Exploited Women and the Christian Community 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Hester, Tricia; Kong, Sopheak & Miles, Glenn
“Strive harder and don't lose hope”: sexual exploitation of male youth in the sex trade in Manila 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Davis , Jarrett & Miles, Glenn
"There is Always Violence": An Exploratory Study of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Street-Involved Children 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Davis, Jarrett; Miles, Glenn; Blackburn, Sean & Mosebach-Kornelsen, Erika
Volume 6, Issue 4 - The Butterfly Longitudinal Study of Sex Trafficking in Cambodia 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Various Authors
Expert Consensus Definition of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in Australia 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Knorre, Zoe; Watt, Bruce; Fritzon, Katarina & Phelan, Ashley
Inside the Crime of Sex Trafficking in Sabah, Malaysia 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Mahalingam, Ravi & Sidhu, Jatswan
Gangs and Modern-Day Slavery in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala: A Non-Traditional Model of Human Trafficking 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 17, 2021Boerman, Thomas & Golob, Adam
“I Don’t Want Anyone to Follow My Path:” Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Dominican Republic 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationAugust 4, 2021Escobar Olivo, Veronica; Parada, Henry & Limón Bravo, Fabiola
Preparing residents to deal with human trafficking 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 30, 2021Ma, K.; Ali, J.; Deutscher, J.; Silverman, J.; et. al.
Sexual victimization and intellectual disabilities among child welfare involved youth 19Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 28, 2021Carrellas, Ann; Resko, Stella & Day, Angelique
A comparative description of relationships among traffickers and victims: sex trafficking cases in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida, 2016-2019 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 22, 2021Williams, Kaila & Potter, Roberto
Recommendations for Educating Youth about Sex Trafficking 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 22, 2021Lesak, A.; Rizo, C.; Franchino-Olsen, H.; et. al.
Violence predicts physical health consequences of human trafficking: Findings from a longitudinal study of labor trafficking in Ghana 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 15, 2021Clay-Warner, Jody; Edgemon, Timothy; Okech, David & Anarfi, John
Principles for Safe Implementation of ICD Codes for Human Trafficking 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 12, 2021Greenbaum, Jordan; Garrett, Ashley; Chon, Katherine; Bishop, Matthew; Luke, Jordan & Stoklosa, Hanni
The State of Programs for Educating Youth about Sex Trafficking in the United States: A Nationwide Scoping Scan Survey 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 12, 2021Fraga Rizo, C.; Chesworth, B.; Franchino-Olsen, H.; Klein, L.; Villodas, M.; Martin, S. & Macy, R.
Illicit Organ Removal in Nepal: An Analysis of Recent Case Law and the Adequacy of Human Trafficking and Transplantation Frameworks 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 12, 2021Gawronska, Sylwia
Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Experiences Working in Service Organizations 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJuly 12, 2021Helpingstine, Claire; Kenny, Maureen & Canfield, Bradel
Still We Rise: Psychotherapy for African American Girls and Women Exiting Sex Trafficking 18Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJune 23, 2021Bryant-Davis, Thema & Gobin, Robyn