Increased Risks of Labor Exploitation in the UK following Brexit and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of the Agri-food and Construction Sectors 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 31, 2022Walsh, Dave; Pajón, Laura; Lawson, Karen; Hafeez, Khalid; Heath, Mark & Court, Neil
Researching the Effectiveness of an Online Human Trafficking Awareness Program Among Community Health Nursing Students 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 27, 2022Hoffman, Jenni & Argeros, Grigoris
Union Density and Human Trafficking: Can Organized Labor Discourage Trafficking? 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 24, 2022Spadafore, Sophia; Lane, Madeline; Walker, Jasmine; Jaikaran, Elizabeth & Chisolm-Straker, Makini
Trauma Informed Care: Trafficking Out-Comes (TIC TOC Study) 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 19, 2022Chambers, Ronald; Greenbaum, Jordan; Cox, Jennifer & Galvan, Terri
Addressing human trafficking as a public health issue 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 16, 2022Recknor, Frances; Di Ruggiero, Erica & Jensen, Elsabeth
Anti-human Trafficking Service Professionals in India: Challenges and Barriers to Service Provision 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 10, 2022Helpingstine, Claire; Stephens, Dionne & Madhivanan, Purnima
Histories of trauma: A qualitative analysis of lifetime traumatic experiences among emergency department patients 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 9, 2022Spadafore, Sophia; Lane, Madeline; Walker, Jasmine; Jaikaran, Elizabeth & Chisolm-Straker, Makini
“This Pandemic Has Opened Another Box of War”: COVID-19, Safeguarding, and Research on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Kenya and Uganda 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMay 3, 2022Barasa Asekenye, C.; Balch, A.; Okumu, W.; Omony, G.; Renton, L. & Sandhar, J.
Questioning the Notion of Financial Gain as the Primary Motivation of Human Traffickers 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 27, 2022Clarke, Matthew
The Impact of Human Trafficking on Veterans: Increasing Awareness among Veterans and Employees through Education 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 22, 2022Papke, K.; Ashcraft, A.; Auger, J.; et. al.
Traffickers’ Use of Substances to Recruit and Control Victims of Domestic Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in the American Midwest 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 20, 2022Koegler, Erica; Wood, Claire; Bahlinger, Lilly & Johnson, Sharon
Human Trafficking Survivors’ Self-Reported Satisfaction and Performance in Daily Life Activities 24Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 19, 2022Wangberg, Rebecca & Cerny, Shana
Digital training in the wake of a pandemic: Using technology to train health care professionals in the identification of human trafficking victims 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 13, 2022Salami, Temilola; Boland, Grace; Hari, Cayla; Hegarty, Irene & Williams, Kimberly
Medical First Responders and Child Sexual Exploitation: Needs, Efforts, and Next Steps 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 12, 2022O’Brien, Jennifer; Della Penna, Ryan; Gonzalez-Pons, Kwynn & Mitchell, Kimberly
Child trafficking and exploitation: Historical roots, preventive policies, and the Pediatrician's role 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 12, 2022Chang, Kimberly; Tsang, Shannon & Chisolm-Straker, Makini
Overcoming Digital Exclusion during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact of Mobile Technology for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 11, 2022Malpass, A.; Garbers, K.; Saunders, L.; Horwood, J.; McLeod, H.; Anderson, E. & Farr, M.
An interdependent network interdiction model for disrupting sex trafficking networks 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 11, 2022Xie, Xiaodan & Aros-Vera, Felipe
A Scoping Review of Labor and Organ Trafficking Resources for U.S. Healthcare Professionals 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationApril 1, 2022Talbott, JMV; Titchen, KE; Mishra, N & Kling, JM
The prostitution and trafficking of American Indian/Alaska Native women in Minnesota 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMarch 29, 2022Farley, M.; Deer, S.; Golding, J.; Matthews, N.; Lopez, G.; Stark, C. & Hudon, E.
Lifelong Wellbeing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Collaborative Perspectives from Survivors, Researchers, and Service Providers 23Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationMarch 29, 2022Vatne Bintliff, Amy; Stark, Christine; DiPrete Brown, Lori & Alonso, Araceli