Predatory Helpfulness: An Empirical Framework to Identify Fraudulent Tactics Used by Pimps to Recruit and Commercially Sexually Exploit Young Girls and Women
Nursing students' knowledge of and exposure to human trafficking content in undergraduate curricula
Community-Based Child Labor Trafficking Prevention in Ghana: A Rights-Based Approach
Migration, Exploitation, and Human Trafficking Among High-Risk Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals in Cape Town: A Case Study
Visit Data and Telehealth in a Clinic for Trafficked Persons: Virtual Care and Human Trafficking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jobs for Justice: The Impact of Stable Employment in Expediting Financial Wellbeing for Survivors of Human Trafficking
The Michigan Farmworker Project: A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Research on Precarious Employment and Labor Exploitation of Farmworkers
“Save the #Talibés”: A State-Led Intervention to Remove Children from the Street in Dakar, Senegal
Identification of Domestically Sex Trafficked Persons in Social Service Settings in Canada: A Qualitative Study
Challenges to Identifying and Prosecuting Sex Trafficking Cases in the Midwest United States
Prosecuting Buyers in Human Trafficking Cases: An Analysis of the Implications of United States v. Jungers and United States v. Bonestroo
Social Work Education that Addresses Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: An intersectional, anti-oppressive practice framework
A Method to Develop a Statewide Resource Guide, Needs Assessment, and Service Inventory to Respond to Human Trafficking
Provider challenges in responding to retrafficking of juvenile justice-involved domestic minor sex trafficking survivors
An integrated model of human trafficking response in the prosecution process: restorative justice, therapeutic jurisprudence, survivor centered practice and anti-oppressive practice
Team Approaches to Addressing Sex Trafficking of Minors: Promising Practices for a Collaborative Model
Practitioners’ Perspectives of Family Involved Sex Trafficking of Minors: Implications for Practice
Understanding Health Care Utilization and Occupational Exposures of Labor-Trafficked People
An Exploration into the Lived Experiences of Young People Forced to Beg and Sell Goods in Kampala, Uganda
The Experiences of Children on Sri Lanka's Tea Plantations: Labor and Sexual Exploitation, Violence, and Inadequate Education