Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation: a qualitative study in Spain 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 7, 2024García-Vázquez, Olaya & Meneses-Falcón, Carmen
Human Trafficking Patterns of Thai Female Sex Workers in Europe: Potential Mechanisms for Preventing and Solving the Sex Trafficking 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Chalayonnavin, Auschala
Does Anyone Care? —The Prevalence of Forced Labor Among Kenyan Migrant Workers and the Glaring Need for Better Labor Conditions in GCC Countries 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Zhang, Sheldon; Compernolle, Nell; Vincent, Kyle; Lord, Sarah & Kysia, Kareem
Primary Prevention of Sex Trafficking: Time to Move the Needle on Demand Reduction 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024van der Watt, Marcel
Challenges to Identifying Labor Trafficking at the Local Level: A Qualitative Study of Service Providers and Stakeholders in California 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Herrera, Veronica & Nuño, Lidia
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Legal Response to Sex Trafficking 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Worsley, Melanie; Rowe, Brenda & Houston, Kate
“I Went from Being Held Captive to Captivity Again”: How the Criminal Legal System Fails Black Women and Girl Survivors of Sex Trafficking 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Gonzalez, Cassandra
The Intersection of Race and Gender in Human Trafficking Vulnerability and Criminalization 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationFebruary 2, 2024Gonzalez, Cassandra
Paper: violence, abuse and exploitation among trafficked women and girls: a mixed-methods study in Nigeria and Uganda 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJanuary 30, 2024Kiss, L.; Fotheringhame, D.; Kyegombe, N.; et. al.
The Quest to End Human Trafficking: An Educational and Practical Guide for Everyone Who Wants to Help Break the Bonds and Assist Survivors 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJanuary 25, 2024McCarty, Dennis
Automated informatics may increase the detection rate of suspicious cases of human trafficking—a preliminary study 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationJanuary 3, 2024Duke, D.; Allard, D.; Dysart, S.; Hogan, K.; Phelan, S.; Rawlings, L. & Stoklosa, H.
Asylum Policies and Forced Labour among Asylum Seekers and Refugees: The Results of a Two-Phase Systematic Review 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationDecember 18, 2023Szulc, Natalia & Szymaniak, Adam
‘I’m All About My Child’: Supporting Modern Slavery Survivors as Parents 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationDecember 18, 2023Chazal, Nerida; Raby, Kyla & Spasovska, Elena
Modeling Disruptions to Sex Trafficking Networks with Other Forced Illegal Activities 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationDecember 18, 2023Clark, M.; Sharkey, T.; Ayler, T.; Forliti, T.; Friedman, J.; Mariotti, M.; Nelson, C. & Martin, L.
Research on Human Trafficking Survivors and Mental Health Issues from 2012-2022 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationNovember 27, 2023Paul, Brooklyn; Fromenthal, Ashley; Messina, Ashley; West, Sarah & Li, Manyu
Information technology as a resource to counter domestic sex trafficking in the United States 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationNovember 7, 2023Giddens, Laurie; Petter, Stacie; Fullilove, Michael
Predatory Helpfulness: An Empirical Framework to Identify Fraudulent Tactics Used by Pimps to Recruit and Commercially Sexually Exploit Young Girls and Women 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationNovember 1, 2023Basra, Inderjit; Kenney, Tatum; Forrest-Bank, Shandra; Zottarelli, Lisa & Raghavan, Chitra
Nursing students' knowledge of and exposure to human trafficking content in undergraduate curricula 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationOctober 30, 2023Bono-Neri, Francine & Toney-Butler, Tammy
Community-Based Child Labor Trafficking Prevention in Ghana: A Rights-Based Approach 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationOctober 25, 2023Agyemang, Eric; Haggerty, Kevin; Guttmannova, Katrina; Spencer, Michael & Spearmon, Margaret
Migration, Exploitation, and Human Trafficking Among High-Risk Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals in Cape Town: A Case Study 30Global Human Trafficking Scholars AssociationOctober 18, 2023Koegler, Erica; Vickerman, Shelley; Bender, Annah & Rich, Edna