Tamara Hurst, PhD, MSW

Affiliation: Child Advocacy, Training, and Evaluation, LLC

Tamara Hurst has been teaching, training, and coaching professionals and laypersons on recognizing and responding to indicators of child maltreatment and human trafficking for over 15 years. Her audiences span various sectors, including medicine, mental health, law enforcement, academia, child welfare, and court system personnel. She is a subject matter expert on the topics of child maltreatment and human trafficking, providing technical assistance and training to state and local entities that seek to establish or modify internal response protocols. Her collaborations include various entities, such as medical facilities, child welfare agencies, behavioral health organizations, and child advocacy centers. Dr. Hurst is an experienced program evaluator and successful grant writer, and she is listed as an independent consultant with the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center.

Research Interests:

  • Prevention of domestic minor sex trafficking

  • Trauma-informed response systems

  • Human trafficking continuums of care

  • Labor trafficking and screening tools