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Queering the Support for Trafficked Persons: LGBTQ Communities and Human Trafficking in the Heartland

Please join the us for a "journal club" style meeting to discuss "Queering the Support for Trafficked Persons: LGBTQ Communitities and Human Trafficking in the Heartland" with Dr. Corinne Schwarz from Oklahoma State University.   

Schwarz and her colleagues conducted a study of service provider approaches to services for survivors of human trafficking. Through a mixed methods approach, they found that "linear" service models were not a good fit for all survivors of trafficking. Instead, they found methods of "queering" prevention and support for survivors were more survivor-centered. Furthermore, their work concluded that prevention was cheaper, more cost effective, and more ethical than reactive responses to trafficking. 

In this presentation, she will discuss this study, with a particular emphasis on research design, methods, and limitations. Please be sure to read the attached paper before the meeting.

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